Foundations of Meditation Practice

example page from the flipbook

In the book, There Are Only 7 Ways to Meditate, before I go into precise detail about each of the seven mind-technologies of meditation, PART ONE gives you the foundations. Read PART ONE now – here!

Evolution of a Cover Design

The book cover - from the first to the latest design

As you can see from the above, the cover has changed over the year since first published. If you’d like to see the reviews, click on the menu, or here: Reviews If you’d like to read the first part of the book, click here.

Which Mindfulness Is It?

Photo of rocks by the sea, with some balanced eligantly - by Alejandro Piñero Amerio

It took me a long time to concede that there are at least three (mutually exclusive) definitions of mindfulness from the Buddhist traditions.  Many secular Mindfulness Teachers use the term to mean the whole gamut of mindfulness practices. Many of these practices use several mind-technologies that are definitely not their chosen definition of mindfulness.  That’s … Read more

What is NOT Meditation?

photo of a rock in a still lake

Just because something is meditative, doesn’t make it a meditation. If it is meditative, then one or more of meditation’s mind-technologies are being used, but you are also doing something else. Meditation is an activity exclusively of the mind. Doing anything else, including controlling the breath, moving your body, or looking around, means you are … Read more

Q.C. Ellis on the Wednesday Wellbeing Show

Old fashioned radio on a wooden box next to a wooden chair

Listen to Colin on the local radio show and podcast, with Amanda Joy, discussing meditation and his book – “There Are Only 7 Ways to Meditate : Make Your Meditation Amazing“ The book, “There Are Only 7 Ways to Meditate : Make Your Meditation Amazing” is available from Amazon

Breath Meditation – “touch and let go”

Photo: close-up of monk with the words, "Touch the breath, then let go"

Recently, I was asked about a new instruction received from a monk of a Tibetan Buddhist tradition in relation to meditation on the breath. The instruction is to just touch the breath and let go. In my book, I talk about not pushing or pulling, and I emphasise this quite a lot. You nudge yourself … Read more

Why Relax?

Head-shot of a woman, lying down on grass at rest

When I first learned to meditate, I was told to relax. But I thought it was an optional task – for just the beginning of the meditation. I now know it is a crucial part of the practice and is for the full meditation. However, when I relaxed, I fell asleep. I could relate to … Read more

Become an IntrAnaut™

You are invited to take your meditation out of inertia or dullness to new highs. Just as an astronaut trains so as to explore outer space, an intrAnaut aspires to explore the immense vastness of their mind. Extract from the book You may know astronauts are passionate about exploring outer space. An intrAnaut is inspired … Read more